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Arkansas Civics Test
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Private Schools
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OneRoster API
Sign Up

To sign up with Triand just enter your email address and a link to activate your account link will be sent.

The emailed link expires in 10 minutes.
If you click on an expired link you can request another be sent.

Every night Roll Call connects to your district Employee system (eSchool FMS), so Roll Call may already have all the information needed to sign you up. If so, and since you now have confirmed access to your district email account by receiving the email and clicking on the "Activate Account" link, Roll Call will immediately take you to your account profile and request that you "Reset Your Password".

For some new users, like a Registrar at a College, the system probably will not recognize the email you entered. If this is the case then you will first be prompted to enter your account details, and then reset your password.