Student Registration

Students can start taking the test by visiting:

screenshot student take a test

Entering Student Information

Students will need to fill the appropriate information so that their specific test can be located.

Enrolled students can enter either their district Local-ID or their State-ID.

The system will roster the student into the appropriate district and school (and class if the student is currently scheduled for a Civics class).

GED students are not considered as attending any specific Arkansas district and for reporting purposes are placed into a district named "GED Candidate"

screenshot student take a test

Locating the Student Test

After the student enters their information and clicks "Find my online test" one of the following will happen:

screenshot student take a test screenshot student take a test screenshot student take a test screenshot student take a test screenshot student take a test

And lastly, if the student test is successfully located the student will immediately be taken to the test:

screenshot student take a test