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Transcript Met Civics Requirement

When the student successfully completes Arkansas Civics Exam their official electronic transcript is automatically updated to reflect the success.

screenshot student met civics requirement

If the student graduated prior to school year 2024 then Met Civics Requirement looks like one of the following:

screenshot student met civics requirement

Representing a Met Civics status of: not taken, exempted, failed, or passed.

Starting school year 2024 the Met Civics Requirement looks like one of the following:

screenshot student met civics requirement

Again representing a Met Civics status of: not taken, exempted, failed, or passed.

State Administrators

Starting school year 2024 the Met Civics Requirement can be edited by state officials (ADE).

For students in grade 11 and 12 an ADE State Administrator can exempt an eligible student.

screenshot student met civics requirement

After being exempted the Administrator's name is displayed and the Administrator can later revoke the exemption if needed.

screenshot student met civics requirement

If a student has failed the Civics test, ADE can delete the student’s scoresheet to allow the student to re-test.

screenshot student met civics requirement