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Data File - Upload

Creating the Community Service CSV File

The Community Service CSV File must be RFC-4180 compliant and encoded UTF-8. These are the default CSV export settings for most modern applications that provide data extract functionality.

The CSV file must contain the following columns shown below.

Community Service CSV File Format
HeaderBusiness Rule / RegexAcceptable ValuesExampleDescription
districtlea/^[0-9]{7}$/Valid LEA number1705000Official Arkansas District LEA
schoollea/^[0-9]{7}$/Valid LEA number1705001Official Arkansas School LEA
first/\w*/RequiredStudent first name
last/\w*/RequiredStudent last name
stateid/^[TZS1-9]\d{8}[1-9]$/Arkansas State-IDOfficial Arkansas Student State-ID
dateYYYYMMDDValid date20240401Date of service
grade/^\d{2}$/09,10,11,1209Student grade when service performed
partner/\w*/OptionalYMCAPartnering Organization
hours[+-]?([0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?|[.][0-9]+)floating point number4.2Service Hours
preparation/\w*/OptionalService Preparation
action/\w*/OptionalService Action
reflection/\w*/OptionalService Reflection
operation/[(add|remove)]/add, removeaddWhat to do with this service record.
Add it to the student's transcript, or remove it from the student's transcript.

Download your district's existing data by visiting your profile Downloads Page.

Experiment with the CSV file format by downloading the Sample Community Service CSV File.

Modify and upload this file to create community service records for the sample students.

Upload a Community Service CSV File

Upload the csv file by visiting your profile Uploads Page.

The Uploads Page can be accessed from your profile with the drop down menu under your account picture. Then select the "Uploads" section.

screenshot user profile menu uploads

To be processed the file must END with the pattern "communityservice_{districtLEA}.csv". You can begin the file name with anything you want. The "communityservice" part of the file name is case insensitive.

For example, you could name the file like one of the following:

  • communityservice_1705000.csv
  • comMunityServicE_1705000.csv
  • 2024-2025-communityservice_1705000.csv
  • my-very-descriptive-name-communityservice_1705000.csv

After you upload a file, the system will recognize a correctly formatted Community Service file name and show a "Process" button allowing you to start the import process. Click the "Process" button to start the import process. When the process completes you can download the results file