Account Management
Account Owners
Arkansas Civics Test
Community Service Learning
Data Services Agreements
Private Schools
Online Testing
Smart Core
Student Transcripts
Advanced Searching
OneRoster API
Searching for Users
Account Owners can easily set the permissions for users in their district.
The system provides easy search capabilities for finding users.

Select the appropriate cohort of users for your search:
- Find someone who is already my friend
- Find someone who is at my school
- Find someone who is at my district
- Find someone who is in my state
Enter some information about the user you are looking (ie name, district, State-ID, etc.) and click "Search" to find all users matching your criteria.
Granting Permissions
To grant a user permissions to access your school or district information click the plus icon on the right column.

A row of icons will appear on the right side of the user's information.

Holding your mouse over the icon will display the permissions that can be granted to the user. Clicking the icon will cycle through the verious options for the permission.

There are several areas in which permissions can be granted.