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Private Schools - Upload File Specification
The Private School CSV File must be RFC-4180 compliant and encoded UTF-8. These are the default CSV export settings for most modern applications that provide data extract functionality.
Private schools are required to supply information about each student who will be taking a state assessment.
The information required falls into the following categories:
- Student information required to assign an Arkansas State-ID
- Student demographics needed to create the various reports
- Which tests each student is taking
File Naming
To be processed the file must END with the pattern "privateschool_{schoolLEA}.csv". You can begin the file name with anything you want. The "privateschool" part of the file name is case insensitive.
For example, you could name the file like one of the following:
- privateschool_9099001.csv
- priVatesChool_9099001.csv
- 2025-04-10-privateschool_9099001.csv
- my-very-descriptive-name-cprivateschool_9099001.csv
Business Rules
Files to be uploaded must first pass the following validity checks:
- the csv file must contain the exact specified header
- every data field for a row is tested for validity against the below rules
- the number of students submitted on an upload can only vary by 10% from the previous upload
- the number of changed students in an upload can only vary by 10% from the previous upload
- once a student has been assigned an Arkansas State-ID the next upload must contain the State-ID for the student or the student will be rejected.
During the night uploaded files will be examined and assigned Arkansas State-IDs will be inserted. You can download a prior uploaded file to see the Arkansas State-ID assigned to each student.
File Format
The CSV file must contain the following columns shown below.
You can download an example private school CSV file.
You can immediately upload this file. It contains two sample students. The file will pass validity checks and upload successfully. Because it only contains sample students it will be marked as "Ignore" and will not be processed into the TIDE portal.
Header | Business Rule / Regex | Acceptable Values | Example | Description |
Required for Arkansas State-ID Assignment | ||||
schoollea | /^[0-9]{7}$/ | Valid LEA number | 9099001 | Official Arkansas Private School LEA |
first | /\w*/ | Required | Student first name | |
middle | /\w*/ | Required | Student middle name | |
last | /\w*/ | Required | Student last name | |
dob | YYYYMMDD | Valid date | 20240401 | Student Date of Birth |
ssn | /^\d{9}$/ | Valid SSN | 123456789 | Student SSN |
grade | /^\d{1,2}$/ | 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 | 9 or 09 | Student grade |
gender | /^[MF]$/ | M,F | M | Student gender |
/\w*/ | | Student email address | ||
localid | /\w*/ | Local-ID | ID used locally by Private School | |
stateid | /^[TZS1-9]\d{8}[1-9]$/ | Arkansas State-ID | 123456789 | Official Arkansas Student State-ID (if known) |
Address (Required) | ||||
address | /^[\w*]$/ | Street address | 1515 Ocean Avenue | Address |
city | /^[\w]$/ | City name | Inverness | City |
zip | /^[\d{5}]$/ | Zipcode | 12345 | Zip |
usState | /^[\w{2}]$/ | Two letter abbreviation | FL | US State |
Guardian (Optional) | ||||
guardianFirst | /^[\w*]$/ | Guardian's First Name | ||
guardianLast | /^[\w*]$/ | Guardian's Last Name | ||
guardianRelationship | /^[\w*]$/ | One, or two, word description | Guardian,Mother,Father,Foster Parent,Other, etc. | Relationship to student |
langHome | /^[\w{2}]$/ | ISO 639-1 Two letter language code | EN,ES,FR,etc. | Home Language |
langCorrespondence | /^[\w{2}]$/ | ISO 639-1 Two letter language code | EN,ES,FR,etc. | Correspondence Language |
guardianAddress | /^[\w*]$/ | Street address | 1515 Ocean Avenue | Address |
guardianCity | /^[\w]$/ | City name | Inverness | City |
guardianZip | /^[\d{5}]$/ | Zipcode | 12345 | Zip |
guardianUsState | /^[\w{2}]$/ | Two letter abbreviation | FL | US State |
Required Ethnicity (individual Y/N columns are needed for students who have multiple ethnicities) | ||||
primaryEthnicity | /^[1,2,3,4,5,6]$/ | 1,2,3,4,5,6 | 1 | Primary Ethnicity 1 - Hispanic 2 - American Indian or Alaska Native 3 - Asian 4 - Black or African American 5 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 6 - White |
hispanic | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity |
americanIndianOrAlaskaNative | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | American Indian or Alaska Native |
asian | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Asian |
blackOrAfricanAmerican | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Black or African American |
nativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
white | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | White |
Required Demographics | ||||
alternatePortfolio | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Alternate Portfolio |
migrant | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Migrant |
econ | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Economically Disadvantaged |
mealStatus | /^[\w*]$/ | Empty, or Status | Reduced | Meal Status [blank] - none Free Reduced Full-price Paid Direct Certification |
gifted | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Gifted & Talented |
homeless | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Homeless |
military | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Military Dependent |
foster | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Foster Child |
singleParent | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Single Parent |
nativeLanguage | /^[\w{2}]$/ | ISO 639-1 Two letter language code | EN,ES,FR,etc. | Native Language |
section504 | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Section 504 |
iep | /^[\w*]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | IEP |
ell | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | English Language Learner |
rael | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Recent Arrived English Learner |
raelCode | /^[.*]$/ | Optional | Optional | Recent Arrived English Learner Code |
esi | /^[\w*]$/ | IDEA Disability Category | SLD,SI,OHI,AU,ID,MD,etc. | ESI Accommodation |
esiDeterDate | YYYYMMDD | YearMonthDay | 20240801 | ESI Deter Date |
esiLastEvalDate | YYYYMMDD | YearMonthDay | 20240801 | ESI Last Evaluation Date |
Required ATLAS Tests | ||||
ATLAS_BIOLOGY | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Assess the ATLAS BIOLOGY Summative? |
ATLAS_ALGEBRA | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Assess the Algebra Summative? |
ATLAS_GEOMETRY | /^[YN01]$/ | Y,N,1,0 | Y | Assess the GEOMETRY Summative? |