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Enter letters or numbers to start the search. Searching is automatic as you make changes.

The Basic Keyword Search searches for any field that is displayed in the search results.

The Advanced Search searchers for any field that is downloaded in the CSV file. Permission from your district is required to use the Advanced Search.

Basic Keyword Search

The basic keyword searches for any field that is displayed in the search results:

  1. The name of the friend, school, or district.
  2. Friend name, email, school, district or state.

There are a couple of handy hints:

  1. Enter part of the first and last name. For instance 'Bil Ad' would find 'William Adams'.
  2. Notice first names match against common nicknames:
    • Billy finds william,willy,bell,bela,bill,will,billy and willie
    • Betty finds elizabeth,libby,lisa,lib,lizzie,eliza,betsy,liza,betty,bessie,bess,beth and liz
    • Richy finds richard,dick,dickon,dickie,dicky,rick,rich,ricky
Advanced Search

Start the search with a '#'.

Some examples:

find all students that are enrolled.

find friends teaching students at Alma Primary.

Advanced searches contain a combination of field:value pairs.

The search will match the value against the contents of the field.

Fields are one of the following types:

  1. Yes/No fields, like 'block', allow a few different entries to represent a Yes value: 'Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y' or a '1' all will search for Yes.
    Any other value for a Yes/No field means search for a No.
  2. Words fields, like 'school', consist of one or more words. Enter some of the letters, or all the letters, in a word to search for the word.

    To search using multiple words in the same field, surround the words with quotation marks.

    Will find all schools with Alma in the name.

    Will find "Vilonia Primary".

    Will find "Cutter Morning Star Elem".

  3. Identifier fields, like 'schoolLEA', consist of one or more numbers. Enter some of the numbers, or all the numbers, in an identifier to search for the identifier.
Advanced Searchable Fields
FieldField TypeDescription
firstwords fieldFriend first name
middlewords fieldFriend middle name
lastwords fieldFriend last name
schoolwords fieldSchool name
schoolLEAidentifier fieldSchool LEA
districtwords fieldDistrict name
districtLEAidentifier fieldDistrict LEA
enrolledYes/No fieldY if friend has a classroom roster (ie teaches students)